Research Interest

My research is focused on directional statistics, a field of statistics where data supports are different than the Euclidean, in particular the hypersphere $$ \mathbb{S}^q:=\{\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{p}:\|\mathbf{x}\|= 1\}.$$ My PhD research, advised by Eduardo García-Portugués, aims to develop one- and two-samples tests of uniformity on the hypersphere.



  1. Fernández-de-Marcos, A., and García-Portugués, E. (2021). Data-driven stabilizations of goodness-of-fit tests. arXiv:2112.01808. [pdf]


  1. Rodríguez-Sanz, A., Fernández-de-Marcos, A., Pérez-Castán, J., Gómez Comendador, F., Arnaldo Valdés, R., and París Loreiro, A. (2021). Queue behavioural patterns for passengers at airport terminals: A machine learning approach. J. Air Transp. Manag. 90. [doi]
  2. Ruiz, G., and Fernández-de-Marcos, A. (2018). Evidence for criticality in financial data. Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 1. [doi] [pdf]

Research Talks